Online Feldenkrais Class

Online Classes with Moeno Wakamatsu
3 Awareness Through Movement lessons per month by zoom. Live or retrospectively by recording. Taught from original lessons of Moshe Feldenkrais.
Cost: 30 €/month (3 lessons). Bonus lesson after completion of 3 series.
Current and Past Series available.
Information and registration:
Moeno Wakamatsu is certified in the Feldenkrais Method® in 1998-2002 New York training. The trainers she has studied with include Dr. Chava Shelhav, Dr. Frank Wildman, Mark Reese, Dennis Leri, Larry Goldfarb Ph.D., Yvan Joly, Angel Di Benedetto, among others.
How to Register for the Lessons
To register, please send an email request with “Feldenkrais Online Class” in your message subject line to
After the email communication, you will be able to complete your registration and payment through the online links below. Click on the month of your choice. You will also find further descriptions of that month’s lesson.
To follow the recording sessions retrospectively, there is one requirement — you must have a google account. We apologize for this technical limitation. (To participate in the currently on-going zoom series, you do not need a google account.) The recording of the series of 3 lessons will be made available for 3 weeks from the date of your choice.
Links for Registration and Lesson Details:
The links below are currently unavailable for maintenance reasons. Please check back later.